Starting iXperionAverbode...
- ReadSettings: 15 items read from registry
- Refresh: Starting up iXperionAverbode...
- OpenConnection: Opening SQL Server connection 'iXperion_Averbode' on HBDS1480...
- OpenConnection: Connection ready...
- MetaData: Reading database Meta data...;
- MetaData: Ok
- System: Loading CMS hierarchy into memory...
- System: Loaded 116815 CMS items...
- Site: Event Subscribers: Outscaling, Smi
- System: FileTypeList hash buffered
- System: FileExtensions hash buffered
- System: MimeTypes hash buffered
- System: XMLFileTypes hash buffered
- System: UrlMungingMimetypes hash buffered
- ReadTranslations: Read 76 system, 273 normal, 30 local translations
- Channels: Loading channels...
- Channels: Rebuilding channel views...
- Channels: Views ok...
- Channels: Loaded channels: RAW Channel (RAW), AIM Channel (AIM), Default Channel (DEF), Manager Channel (CMS) (MGR), Fr (CFR)
- System: Loading contenttypes
- System: Loading 'Web Page' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Translation' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Binary' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Render Template' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'CMS Folder' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Channel' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Reference' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Thesaurus' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Workflow Definition' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Javascript' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'XML Data' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Form' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Application Page' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Branch Of Tree' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'ContentPage' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'HomePage' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'WebItemSelector' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'MicroContent' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'MicroHome' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'MicroMagazineArticle' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'MicroNews' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'MicroQuiz' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'MicroSite' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'MasterContentPage' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Article' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Rubriek Reeks' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'CatalogItem' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'CatalogLevel' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'CatalogSelection' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'ASP.NET Master Page' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'News' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Search' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Banner' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Virtual Assembly' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'PromotionCode' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Binary Microsite' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'FormsServer Form' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'INT_FormField' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'INT_Formulier' ContentType...
- System: Loading '2018_BranchOfTreeCategory' ContentType...
- System: Loading '2018_WebFilterSelector' ContentType...
- System: Loading '2018_HomePage' ContentType...
- System: Loading '2018_BasePage' ContentType...
- System: Loading '2018_Nieuws' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Article_Thuismarkt' ContentType...
- System: Loading '2018_WebFilterSelector_TM' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Strict Web Page' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Portal Web Page' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Plain Web Page' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Smartlet' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'System Translation' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Smartlet Preset' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Razor Translation' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Video' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Image' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Article_CMS_Folder' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'File Link' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Application Workflow' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'CSS' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'XSLT' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'XML Schema' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'CMS Application Page' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'Rich Application Page' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'BrachOfTreeCategorie' ContentType...
- System: Loading '2018_BranchOfTree' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'ContentPage_Infosessie' ContentType...
- System: Loading 'ContentPage_Menu' ContentType...
- System: Loading '2018_WebArticleSelector' ContentType...
- System: Loading '2018_WebArticSelector_TM' ContentType...
- InitMacros: Initialized Macros: Var, Com, Dialog, Dir, Download, Embed, HTTP, Include, Index, Invoke, Links, Logon, Parents, Random, Redirect, RenderForm, RenderXML, Replace, Script, SendMail, Siblings, SiteMap, SQLQuery, Text, ViewData, WebService, XLinks, XSLT
- Versioning: Looking for versioning configuration...
- Versioning: Title, Body, CTSpecificBinary1, Logic, FriendlyName, FriendlyNameType, CTSpecificBit1, CTSpecificDate1, CTSpecificDate2, CTSPecificInt1, CTSpecificText1, CTSpecificText2, CTSpecificText3, CTSpecificText4, CTSpecificText5, CTSpecificText6, CTSpecificText7, CTSpecificText8, CTSpecificText9, CTSpecificText10, CTSpecificText11, CTSpecificText12, CTSpecificVar1, CTSpecificVar2, CTSpecificVar3, CTSpecificVar4, CTSpecificVar5, CTSpecificVar6, CTSpecificVar7, CTSpecificVar8, CTSpecificVar9, CTSpecificVar10, CTSpecificVar11, CTSpecificVar12, CTSpecificVar13, CTSpecificVar14, CTSpecificVar15, CTSpecificVar16, CTSpecificVar17, CTSpecificText13, CTSpecificText14, CTSpecificText15, CTSpecificText16, CTSpecificText17, CTSpecificText18, CTSpecificVar18, CTSpecificVar19, CTSpecificVar20, CTSpecificVar21, CTSpecificVar22, CTSpecificVar23, CTSpecificVar24, CTSpecificVar25, CTSpecificVar26, CTSpecificVar27, CTSpecificVar28, CTSpecificVar29, CTSpecificVar30, CTSpecificVar31, CTSpecificVar32, CTSpecificVar33, CTSpecificVar34, CTSpecificVar35, Searchable, CTSpecificBit5, CTSpecificFloat1
- System: Initializing ServerCache...
- System: ServerCache ready...
- System: Preparing Security...
- System: Security ok...
- RenderTemplates: Buffering and preparsing RenderTemplates...
- RenderTemplates: 34 items(s) buffered and pre-parsed...
- System: sysoverridabletranslations hash buffered
- System: Initializing background processes...;
- Background: Running Background Component 'Outscaling'...
- InitBackgroundProcesses: Outscaling
- Startup: Ready in 7,59 sec...